Common Word


Common Prayer

a two-year guide to praying and
reading scripture with the church


Common Word

The Common Word reading plan (accessed through the Download link above) invites you to join multitudes of Christians across the world encountering Christ through the Scriptures. The plan takes you through the New Testament once a year, the Old Testament once every two years, and the Psalms once every two months. But if you miss a day, don’t feel the pressure to catch up: simply pick up the reading for the day assigned. A Common Word isn’t something to achieve: it’s an opportunity for ongoing encounter with God.

We recognize that this may feel daunting or difficult. Many of us are afraid to admit it, but when we come to the Scriptures it often doesn’t feel like a feast. The OT can seem violent, the NT can feel backward, while huge chunks of both Testaments are often just plain confusing. The Feast Class, taught a few years ago by Pastor Ken, is for Long-time Bible readers, those who know they should read but don’t, and those who are tempted to throw their Bibles out the window.

Watch Feast: Savor the Scriptures (Class)
Class 1, Class 2, Class 3

For more Bible study resources, we recommend a few free sites:

Common Prayer

Common Prayer (sometimes called the Daily Office or Praying the Hours) is a form of prayer that is both steady and flexible. Each set of prayers corresponds to a different portion of the day. They can be used by anyone, and are even short enough for families with young children. You can download the prayers through the link above, or use these digital versions.

Morning Prayer
Noonday Prayer
Evening Prayer
Bedtime Prayer (Compline)