Holistic Safety

God is always moving in our direction with love, healing, and good news. Therefore, we are committed to creating safe spaces where we can receive and release all of who God is for us and the world.

We desire for you to encounter God in spaces that are caring for your whole person, so safety at IAC includes considering the physical, relational, mental, emotional, and spiritual safety of each person as best as we are able. This is what we mean by Holistic Safety.

As we continue to learn and grow in creating Holistic Safety across all our offerings, we invite you to join us. You can find our policies related to this effort, including Sexual Misconduct and Minor Protection, below. Please email us if you have thoughts or affirmation.


IAC Minor Protection Policy

IAC Sexual Misconduct Policy


If you feel that one of these policies has been compromised - or you simply have seen something that you felt was inappropriate - we want to know.

To make a report, please use one of confidential forms. You can make a report about any staff or volunteer through the form below, which will forward only to Pastor Ken (our Lead Pastor and Rector) and our Warden (the head of our Board). You can also report verbally to any staff person at any time.

Should you desire to make a report regarding our Lead Pastor (Ken Robertson), please use the distinct form below. According to our Anglican structures of accountability, this report will go directly to the office of Bishop Ken Ross - who provides oversight for all churches in our diocese - as well as IAC's Warden.

Report Concern Regarding Clergy, Staff, or Volunteer Leader of IAC

Report Concern Regarding Lead Pastor (Rector)