Our ministries fit together into a Discipleship Pathway that reflects Jesus' ministry among his first disciples.

How are you being drawn into healing?


befriending those who we have not met yet


calling all people to
relationship with Jesus


forming the church in
the power of the Spirit


sending the church into the world with the love of the Father


forming the church in
the power of the Spirit
About Our Ministries

Kid & Student

Kid (Birth - 6th Grade)

Children are a part of the family of God, and they even teach us what it looks like to enter the kingdom. Therefore, we welcome all that comes with their presence!

Children are always welcome to remain in the service, and we offer a cry room and nursing space adjacent to the sanctuary if you need to step out for a moment. There is also a nursery for babies and toddlers, and a safe and engaging Kid Church program for children during the sermon.

Opportunities for kids to serve the community, invite friends to learn about Jesus, and be invited more deeply into formation also occur throughout the year. 5th and 6th graders also have a special ministry space designed just for them on Sunday morning and Monday nights

If you have questions, please email Mady, our Kid Pastor, at kids@springsiac.org.

→ More About Our Children’s Program

Student (7th - 12th Grade)

We don’t want our students to become a separate part of the church, but we also want to give them space to explore who God is and what he is doing in their lives. As a result, Students are encouraged to remain in the service on Sunday mornings and serve as part of the congregation. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of opportunities to receive and release the gospel together, including weekly Nomad Monday night gatherings, Life Groups, Servant Academy leadership training, events designed as safe spaces to invite friends, retreats, mission trips, pilgrimages, and more. To find out more, email Aaron Buttery, Pastor of Students & Leadership, at aaron@springsiac.org.

→ More About Our Student Ministry


Befriending Groups

There is an epidemic of loneliness in our community, and there are ways we uniquely grow by meeting new people. That's why IAC wants to particularly focus on befriending those who don't know IAC or aren’t believers in Christ — together with other IAC’ers! We are always open to forming Befriending Groups based on 3 ingredients: something you love to do + another IAC’er + an invitation to others to join. Currently we have Befriending Groups for ping-pong, fibre arts, trail running, and outdoor free play for kids and moms. To share your idea for another group or simply find out more, email befriending@springsiac.org.

→ Register for a Befriending Group


Gospel Reading Groups

We want to invite people to meet Jesus, especially those who are curious about him or desire to rekindle a relationship with him after a season of distance. Although everything we do at IAC points back to Jesus, we love opening the gospel of John in Gospel Reading Groups to see who the real Jesus was, is, and what he’s doing now in our lives. To find out more, email gospelreading@springsiac.org.


Art & Faith Group

IAC longs to see creatives find the kind of community that not only nurtures souls but fosters creative vocations. Art & Faith fosters spaces to create, and in partnership with the Anselm Society, encourages those who desire to express the renewed image of God in their creativity. Email artandfaithteam@springsiac.org to find out more.

More about Art & Faith

Catechesis (Classes)

Christian faith is not merely intellectual, but the gospel does shape our minds into the way and wisdom of Christ. IAC regularly offers classes that shine light on current cultural topics, theology, the Scriptures, spirituality, and more. Email catechesis@springsiac.org to find out more.

Life Groups

Life Groups are the primary Formation ministry of IAC. Life Groups are micro-communities seeking to become like Jesus together, and are committed to regular rhythms of sharing, study, and prayer together. IAC has a wide variety of Life Groups in various parts of the city, and a regular rhythm of inviting people to join Groups and begin new Groups. To learn more, email lifegroups@springsiac.org.

Liturgical Ministries

Worship is the hub of our life together, because there we hear and receive what God has done for us afresh. Every church has a way of ordering its worship, called a liturgy (meaning “the work of the people”). Our liturgy draws on an ancient and global pattern rooted in the Scriptures, while maintaining an openness to the working of the Spirit among us. Worship has two parts – Word and Table – as well as shifting emphases depending on the season of the church year. Every part, and every season, immerses us in the gospel in unique ways and requires the whole congregation to participate (including lots of volunteer liturgical ministers!). Email litmin@springsiac.org to find out more, or click on the link below.

→ More About our Liturgy

Music & Technology

Our musical worship seeks to give expression to what God has done – and is doing – in our lives in ways that go beyond mere words. We draw on a variety of musical styles, including hymns and modern worship choruses, to foster the praises of God’s people. We also host musical worship nights on occasion that give us space to soak in the goodness of God and what he has done. Our Tech ministry serves the worship of God’s people and extends our ministries into place where congregants cannot be physically present. If you’d like to find out more about our Music or Tech teams, email Pastor Daniel at daniel@springsiac.org.


The Prayer team keeps a hunger for God and expectancy for healing of body, soul, and mind at the center of our life together. The Prayer team receives prayer requests at prayer@springsiac.org and is faithful to pray for the needs of our church throughout the week. They also serve as Healing Prayer ministers on Sunday morning services. To find out more, email Pastor Peter at peter@springsiac.org.

Rwanda Sister Church – Pilgrimage Trips

As a church planted by the Anglican church in Rwanda, we have a deep spiritual bond with our African brothers and sisters. Many churches sponsor mission trips, which highlight that we take God with us wherever we go. Our Rwandan connection is different: we go on pilgrimages to our Sister Church in Kibali, Rwanda. A pilgrimage is a journey of meeting God where He is already working, and places us in the posture that we have much to learn from our brothers and sisters, not just much to teach. Trips are forming now: each time we go, lives are changed! Contact rwanda@springsiac.org for more information.

To learn more about our relationship with Rwanda, listen to the Podcast hosted by Christy Barber, with Bishop Ken Ross and Rwandan Bishop John Rucyahana, as they talk about the beginnings of IAC and IAC’s relationship with Rwanda.

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is the life-long process of individuals and communities of faith being progressively formed into the character of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. As followers of Christ, we endeavor to make God the central reality of our daily experience, right where we live. We learn to notice and accept His invitations to be a counter cultural people: pushing back against distraction, allowing the Spirit to cultivate our soul during trials, and training us to live courageously in all seasons. To learn more about our retreats and formation processes like the Ignatian Exercises or The Journey, email spiritualformation@springsiac.org.


Church Planting

At IAC, we plant churches because they are God’s plan for renewing the world with the gospel of Christ. When churches multiply, new leadership rises, pastoral care deepens, new community emerges, and creative cultural translation of the gospel message springs up. The health of the broader church community, including the sending churches, can also grow from planting. At IAC, we’ve been a part of planting two churches in our history and are pressing into a commitment to plant churches from now on. We’re not doing it alone, but partnering with Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Gleneagle as part of the COSAnglican Network. To find out more about our multiple church plants and missions in Colorado Springs and Southern Colorado, email Pastor Ken at pastorken@springsiac.org

More about Church Planting

Creation Care

Inspired by the IAC course, The Gospel According to Creation, the Creation Care team was founded on belief in the value of creation as a sacramental channel of God’s presence and the biblical call for Christians to be faithful caretakers. We plan programs, outdoor experiences and service projects to support our team vision: Encouraging our IAC community to grow in awareness of our relationship with creation and participating in God's work of healing that relationship. To find our more about the work of our Creation Care team, email creationcare@springsiac.org.

Refugees & Immigrants

Because Scripture implores us to welcome the stranger and recognize the dignity of every human being, IAC has regularly welcomed refugees to our city by accompanying them in their transitional seasons through the ministries of Lutheran Family Services. Our partnerships have also expanded to other groups that serve immigrant populations in our city. To find out more, email mission@springsiac.org.

Elementary School Partnership at Queen Palmer

IAC has an ongoing partnership with the public elementary school nearest our worship location, Queen Palmer Elementary. We serve this vibrant and diverse community through a mentoring program for kids, regular days of service, and ongoing efforts to bless and encourage teachers and administrators. To find out more, email mission@springsiac.org.

Parents & Babies Ministry

IAC wants unborn children, new babies, their mothers, fathers, and their entire family systems to thrive. To that end, we are partnering with LifeNetwork to support their ministry and come alongside new and expecting parents to support them in the journey of parenthood. To find out more, email mission@springsiac.org.

Food Insecurity

Jesus describes the world to come as a feast, and leaves his followers a meal to remember him. Tragically, the number of food insecure persons in Colorado Springs has increased in recent years, and we want to support organizations that are making a difference. Therefore, we regularly have volunteer teams serve at Crossfire Ministries, a no-cost grocery and clothing warehouse. To find out more, email mission@springsiac.org.

Mission Partners

Although we all are missionaries in our own contexts, God has called some to be financially supported vocational ministers. At IAC, we have the opportunity to partner with a number of these wworkers. If you’d like to let the Missions Team know about your ministry, or are just curious about the people we support, contact missionpartners@springsiac.org or click below.

More About Missions Partners

Rwanda Sister Church – Catalyzing Sustainable Development

In our pilgrimages to Rwanda, we have seen that our Rwandan brothers and sisters are subject to the debilitating cycle of poverty. What can we do? With a listening posture, a partnership with local leaders, and a desire to provide dignity and prevent dependence, we can do a lot. During Christmas with Rwanda Alternative Christmas Giving, IAC raises money for cows, goats, pigs, university scholarships, and roof sheeting that is specifically requested, and strategically distributed, by members of our sister church. The annual Run with Rwanda – a 5K race staged and simulcast in Kibali and Colorado Springs – has helped fund a clinic that provides medical services for a population of 10,000 Rwandans and is currently supporting a vocational training and community center we call the “Thriving Center.” To learn more about these or other opportunities to give, reach out to rwanda@springsiac.org.